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Disability Access Route to Education (DARE)

Applicants, parents and Guidance Counsellors with questions about completing the SIF/DARE form should consult the published handbooks and contact CAO if they cannot find answers to their questions. We will have staff trained in dealing with queries on completing these sections of the form.

Questions on how applicants will be assessed and how offers are to be determined should be directed to the Access and Disability Offices in Higher Education Institutions and not CAO. CAO plays no part in making decisions on admissions.

To speak to a DARE representative in the Access Office of each of the participating institutions please use the contact details listed here.

DARE pdf downloads

Disability Access Route to Education (DARE)
Disability Access Route to Education Handbook Download
SIF Section B - Educational Impact Statement Form * Download
SIF Section C - Evidence of Disability Form Download
SIF Section D - School Statement Download
Guide to providing evidence of your disability Download
Guide for GPs for Completing Section C Evidence of Disability Download
DARE 2025 Literacy/Numeracy Attainment Summary Sheet Download
DARE 2025 Information for Psychologists in relation to applicants with Dyslexia/ Significant Literacy Difficulties or Dyscalculia/ Significant Numeracy Difficulties Download
DARE 2025 Information for Guidance Counsellors/ Teachers in relation to applicants with Dyslexia/ Significant Literacy Difficulties or Dyscalculia/ Significant Numeracy Difficulties Download
DARE Key Dates Download
DARE School Presentation Download
DARE Information Leaflet Download
* How to download and complete the Educational Impact Statement (EIS)

For information on DARE Eligibility Criteria please see
DARE Application Information Day
DARE Application Information Session will take place on 13 January 2024. For more information please see Access College
DARE Application Videos
How to apply to DARE 2025

This video shows the DARE application process in full.
How to apply to DARE 2025 (with subtitles)

This video shows the DARE application process in full with subtitles.
DARE Application Video by Section
1. What is DARE?

   What Colleges take part in DARE?

   What disabilities/conditions are considered by DARE?
2. Is DARE for me?

   This video explains the Educational Impact Indicators.
3. How do I apply to DARE? Part 1

   This video explains:

  • How to apply to DARE
  • How to complete the online Supplementary Information Form (Section A) Questions 1 – 5
  • How to Carry Forward Eligibility from 2024 to 2025
4. How do I apply to DARE? Part 2

   Sections B & C & D Supporting Documents

   This video outlines what supporting documents are required to complete your DARE application.
5. Summary of the DARE Application Process  View 

Timetable of Events for DARE application process

Please note:

1. These dates may be amended. CAO may communicate with applicants on dates that are not listed below.

2. CAO will correspond with applicants via post, e-mail, SMS text or telephone. All CAO correspondence must be read carefully and any errors or omissions notified to CAO immediately.

3. It may take some time to prepare supporting documents and applicants must allow enough time to ensure that their documents reach CAO by the deadline. Documents received after the deadline will not be accepted.

4. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that all relevant correspondence is received and dealt with appropriately. If an applicant is going to be absent at any stage between February and October, they should arrange for someone to deal quickly with their correspondence. Failure to respond may have very serious consequences.

5th November (12:00) CAO online application facility opens.
The DARE Supplementary Information Form (SIF) becomes available for CAO applicants.
1st February (17:00) Closing date for CAO applications.
February CAO will send a reminder email to all applicants that have ticked the Med box in their application that Yes to Q1 in the SIF should be ticked if they want to be included in the DARE scheme.
1st March (17:00) 1. As part of your CAO application you must indicate that you have a disability.
2. Closing date for completion of Section A of the SIF.
3. If you wish to be considered for the DARE scheme you must indicate this on the fully completed SIF/DARE form by ticking “Yes” to Question 1 by 17:00 on 1st March.
March CAO will acknowledge receipt of your online DARE application by e-mail and remind you that your application is not complete until you submit your supporting documents.
15th March (17:00) Latest date for DARE supporting documents (Section B-Educational Impact Statement & Section C-Evidence of Disability) to arrive in CAO. Both sections must be completed, signed and stamped.
Before End of May CAO Statement of Application Record sent to all applicants.
(Contact CAO if you do not receive it)
April-June Screening of DARE applications.
25th June Applicants notified of outcome of DARE Application; DARE Review and Appeals process opens.
2nd July (17:00) DARE application Review and Appeals deadline.
Early August DARE Review and Appeals applicants notified of eligibility.
TBC (14:00)
Round 1 offers.
TBC (15:00)
Round 1 Acceptances.
TBC (14:00)
Round 2 offers.
TBC (15:00)
Round 2 Acceptances.
September HEIs begin registration.